Reason I chose this experience:
I chose to plan and manage a formal meeting for teachers as it was a new experience for me. The meeting
was to address the importance and schedule for the approaching Movie Making
project of year 6 and 5. All the teachers and assistant teachers of Year 6 and
year 5 were the main participants. Head of Key Stage, Head of English
department and CIT teacher for year 6 and 5 was also there for expert inputs.
All together there were 25 participants present for attending the meeting.
Planning and Executing the Meeting:
I planned a meeting for all the teachers and assistant teachers to
smoothly take forward the project of Movie Making project as a part of
curricular extension enriched with cross curricular links. Initially, in the
planning phase I had small meetings with Head of the English department/ Movie
Making project in-charge. I also spoke to Head of year 6 and other teachers to
ask their last year experience and difficulties faced to assess the main issues
to be dealt during meeting. A meeting invite was sent to all the participants
along with a precise meeting agenda. A teacher was assigned for taking the
minutes of meeting. On the meeting day writing material was provided at the
seats of the teachers along with the copy of meeting agenda. Aim and objective
was written on the white board. A small power point presentation was used
to share the importance of incorporating cross curricular links in movie
projects. After that meeting agenda was followed step wise. The contents
included Development of a Timeline for the project to ensure a degree of
uniformity across the year group. Floor was opened for all the teachers to
share the challenges and difficulties faced last year and way forward was discussed.
Head of the English Department shared the Time line and at the end I summarised
the meeting.
After introducing myself and welcoming all the attendees I introduced
aim and objective of the meeting. Then the meeting agenda was discussed that
was circulated earlier. Using a power point presentation possible movie topics
in reference to the cross curricular links was discussed. Importance of Movie
making project for students and teachers was highlighted. After concluding the
presentation discussion was initiated regarding the effective use of Enrichment
Programme lessons for Planning Movie project. In this regard a timeline was
developed with the input of teachers and in-charge of Movie making project.
During discussion session, most of the challenges and difficulties faced by the
teachers were shared so they were directed to the relevant expert teachers for
prompt quality solutions. Most importantly teachers shared possible solutions
to make entire movie making experience enjoyable and manageable for themselves.
A Buddy list of teachers was also shared to seek future assistance. At the end
I summarised the main points of the meeting. Over all it was a very enjoyable experience.
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Head of the Movie Making Project sharing Timeline of Project |
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Answering question of a Teacher |
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Welcoming Teachers and Introducing Topic |
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Sharing Importance of Cross Curricular Links |
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Sharing some Topics for Movie |
I took verbal and written
feedback from the attendees. I distributed feedback form with some questions about
how the meeting was conducted. They answered the questions in detail related to
the clarity of meeting agenda. They were asked to state if enough time was
provided to all the participants to share and discuss their view point. A
question was asked about effective time management in running the meeting. Also
teachers were asked to give their suggestions to help the meeting become more
productive and useful.
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Feedback from In-charge of Movie Making Project |
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Feedback from Head of Year 5 |
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Feedback from a New Teacher |
After the meeting everyone enjoyed food.
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Post Meeting Lunch |