Saturday, October 25, 2014

Practical Active Learning Strategies:

CICT members had to choose and apply one/two Practical Active Learning Strategies in their lessons.

 I selected three strategies and combined them together to gauge the understanding of Year 6 students about Triangular Numbers they learnt a day before. I chose the following strategies.
    Think/ pair/ share; Students making notes for sharing with the students.
  • Think/Pair/Share (with Robin Rally)

Students were asked to think and make notes on their mini white boards. They took instructions very well and as individual task recalled what triangular numbers are and how can a triangular pattern be increased. They made notes including explanation of concepts, drawing Pascal’s triangle and writing formula. In pairs then they discussed all the points they wrote.

  • Reciprocal questioning:

Then the students were asked to make three challenge questions for each table. I gave them examples such as, What is a sequence? How can a pattern be identified? What are Triangular numbers? How can we use triangular numbers in our daily lives?
Students made the questions in their respective groups. They felt very enthusiastic and made really difficult questions for their friends. But then I introduced the twist that challengers have to solve their own questions as well.
  • Numbered Heads Together:

I asked the groups to give their challenge questions they made during Reciprocal questioning to one another. I gave limited time to each group and asked them to join the heads together to work out the answers.

By using these strategies students were completely engaged and in very little time they recalled, revised and presented their learning.

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