Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Theories on Human Psychology

·         Multiple Intelligences,
·         Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains,
·         Kolb’s Learning Cycle,
·         Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs,
·         Piaget’s stages of cognitive development

When all the CICT members were asked to read the above mentioned theories and in next session present it I assumed that it would turn out to be a very boring class. Interestingly to my surprise the whole activity that lasted for one hour turned out to be really effective and learning based. All the groups explained their assigned theories in different ways. Through power point presentations, hand outs, evaluation forms and explanation the theories were understood by all of us nicely. Moreover, I grasped new presenting ideas and learnt how a subject like theory can be made interesting and simpler for the students. By breaking the bigger complicated subject into small portions and dividing it amongst the students to reflect upon it for the whole class can make it an easy to understand for all in shorter time.

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